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Progression Raiding 101 (Consumables and you)

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Progression Raiding 101 (Consumables and you) Empty Progression Raiding 101 (Consumables and you)

Post  Inashne Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:05 pm

THe following is a list of what (And why) to bring to each and every progression raid you attend while you are TFO.

Always have flasks as you are able. Its ok to wait to a boss to pop or refresh one but always try to have one. Also make sure your using the right flask for your role. In other words, hunters should not be using Flask of Pure Mojo while Prot paladins should not be using Flask of Endless Rage.
125 SP? 180AP? Need i say more? I want everyone to be at their best for progression raids, i dont want any wipes at 4% because 2 or 3 DPS didnt flask up.
How many?
They last 1 hour each, if we plan to raid 3 hours, do the math.
Who can make them?
Kreigger - Elxer spec (That means i can proc them = P)

For certin situations it will be better to have an easy to make, inexpensive elixer at hand for that final attempt where your main flask has gone away. You are lso able to mix and match different stats be chosing a battle and gaurdian elixer. Always have a couple on hand just in case.
Because sometimes its not worth popping an entire flask for just one attempt.
How many?
Just or 3 will be fine unlelss you plan to use them in place of flasks, then keep in mind they do not persist through death so will ned to be reapplied after each death.
Who can make them?
Kreigger - Elixer spec (Again, that means i can proc extras)

-Personal Buff food
This consists of any non-feast buff food. We dont all live off ap and sp all the time. Plus dont expect a feast to be dropped every time you get yourself killed.
Feasts will be dropped after each wipe, not everytime someone dies. Dont expect a new feast before each boss if 9/10 of the raid has 45 mins left on our feast.
How many?
1 stack of 20 is enough. Possibly more if you plan to use your own food over feasts.
Who can make it?
Basicaly any cook should have all the recipies by now.

Mana, Wild magic, haste and Unbreakable are the best. Use them to give yourself an extra CD to pop on burn phases. While raiding is still very possible w/o them , i cant tell you how many times an unbreakable pot has saved me on anub 25 on kreigger.
Its one extra CD you have access to, it will help you on burn phases and phases where extra damage is being done to the tank (Life leach to a biting cold to an ace block on anub 25)
How many?
You are currently only able to use 1 per fight with pots so expect to need about 5-10 if u plan on acualy using them.
Who can make them?

Until Next time,

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Age : 33
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Progression Raiding 101 (Consumables and you) Empty Melee and Pots.

Post  Cixc Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:20 pm

Any class that gains AP from armor (Warriors, DK's, what ever other class has talents like that) Should pop an Unbreakable armor pot with enough CD time before the boss is pulled, thus adding to your AP how ever much Via your armor. If you time it right, you can pop a haste pot with the indestructible effect on
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Join date : 2009-05-07

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