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New Raiding/attendance policy

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New Raiding/attendance policy Empty New Raiding/attendance policy

Post  Inashne Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:15 pm

As of next reset, we will be taking extra steps to ensure we have active members who use both the forums and ingame callendar properly. We will begin to enforce new raiding attendance policies as well.

1. If you are not registered on the forums, you will not be allowed to attend raids next reset. This is not a difficult task, please take extra steps to get your friends registered and active here. Its not asking that much honestly.

2. If you check accept to a raid invite and do not show up or get yourslef saved to another raid or blow off the raid for another: you will First recieve a warning, then a 1 week ban from raiding then if this persists, you will be removed from the guild. This is unacceptable behavior. The guild and myself are tired of seeing a full raid of 2 tanks, 3 heals and 5 DPS on the callendar yet only having 4 show up. Additionaly, DO NOT tell the raid leader you will be able to return to continue on a raid at another day and fail to show up. If you arent sure, then please tell us. Dont say yes if you mean maybe. Consequences will be the same as in policy 2. Treat all planned raids the same, wether they are posted on the callendar or not.

3. If you do not accept, decline or contact an officer before raid time and show up to a raid asking for a spot you will not be allowed into the raid. Please reply yes or no to all invites you recieve. If you dont know then please select "Decline."

4. All raiders MUST Download Deadly Boss Mods as well as have some kind of threat management system or you WILL NOT be taken to anything beyond Auriaya in Uldar.
OMEN threat meter -

5. Take care of your buisness before the raid as possible. This means, eating dinner, getting your RL work done as well as ingame stuff such as being repaired and having consumables (Pots, Flasks, and buff food) Do not rely on guild leadership to supply you with mats all the time. Also, please make sure you have your comsumables before the raid, dont make 9-24 other people wait for you because you were too lazy to get them 10 mins earlier. If you do not have your consumables before the raid, wait until a break to get them or do w/o them. You will otherwise not be allowed to get them mid raid.

6. Raid invites go out at 6:45 with the raids next week starting at 7pm Server time. Please keep this change in mind and do not make us wait longer than absolutly necessary. Please be online no later than 6:40.

7. Know the encounters ahead oftime. The only excuse should be when we take you last second to fill a spot in a gild raid raid. All the strats are posted on the forums in the Progression section. For the fights Mimiron, General and yoggy, you WILL NOT be taken if you did not read the strat. I also want EVErYON who plans to raid to refarmiliarize themselves with Hodir and Freyja.

Last edited by Inashne on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:29 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 33
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New Raiding/attendance policy Empty Re: New Raiding/attendance policy

Post  Nozzdormu Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:41 pm

It all sounds good, the only thing I have a problem with is number 6, I think raids should start around 6:00 or 6:30, 7:00 is really pushing it considering that is already 10:00 PM my time, and that might be a problem during the school year.

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New Raiding/attendance policy Empty Re: New Raiding/attendance policy

Post  Munch Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:36 pm

Nozzdormu wrote:It all sounds good, the only thing I have a problem with is number 6, I think raids should start around 6:00 or 6:30, 7:00 is really pushing it considering that is already 10:00 PM my time, and that might be a problem during the school year.

Presumably you knew our raid times when you joined this guild.
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